Saturday, April 20

Day: February 4, 2021

NetBase Quid: Using Key Opinion Leaders to Achieve Digital Growth and Turn Data into Actionable Insights

NetBase Quid: Using Key Opinion Leaders to Achieve Digital Growth and Turn Data into Actionable Insights

Key opinion leaders (KOLs) are individuals or organizations with a strong social status that saw their opinions and recommendations listened to when making crucial decisions. Celebrities, columnists and political figures are widely known and thus good examples of key opinion leaders. All key opinion leaders have a prominent position in their communities; hence their views are often valued and heard. They are considered as real experts and trusted when representing companies and not viewed as public figures. Where do KOLs come from? If you are in the public eye, it becomes simpler to gain influence. For example, actors in television columns, political activists, or highly regarded professionals may eventually become important opinion leaders. Especially experts who have opinions on tr...